Of course, you can select multiple files and drag them in Millumin : they will be added successively.

Now launch the column to play this media : Your browser does not support the video tag. Then, drag a file from the Finder to the first layer : Once you downloaded Millumin, run it and create a new project. But keep in mind that even a simple workflow as this one can be very efficient. Of course, more advanced workflows are discussed later in this documentation.

There are 4 main areas in Millumin’s window (that can be resized at your convenience) : There is no limitation during 30 days, then a watermark on the outputs (but you can still open/save a project and use all the features of Millumin). You can easily test Millumin by downloading the free trial. It has been designed to be intuitive and quick to learn, while providing many advanced features.
Millumin is a professional solution to create audiovisual shows for theaters, dance shows, videomappings and interactive installations, … It can control video, audio, lights and lasers on stage.